Privacy and Cookie Policy

The privacy policy has been updated to comply with the EU / UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) of May 2018.


Contractual information

Some information we are contractually obliged to collect. When you make an enquiry or a booking with us we collect the lead contact name, their address, email address and telephone number(s). We will use your contact information to send you confirmation of the booking and for more details on how to find us and other information you may find useful for your stay.

We are legally obliged to retain this information for a set period, currently 7 years. After that period you may ask for the information to be deleted.

We also collect additional information to help provide guests with a better experience; typically number and type of dogs, names of other people in the party, any personal preferences. We may collect other notes during your stay. You can ask for this additional information to be deleted immediately after your stay.

We also generate paper lists for the housekeeping team so they know how to prepare each property for the next guests. These lists just contain names and the number and size of dogs.

How the information is stored

This information is held on paper and computer records in the business premises, which are locked when vacant. It is not passed to any third parties, except when required to by legal authorities.

Who holds and has access to the data?

Only the business owners (Brian Abbott and Dawn Spiteri) have access to this information.

Marketing information

We like to stay in touch with guests and other interested people and send the occasional email to people who have given us their express permission. The distribution list for this activity is managed by our marketing partner (Altroy Ltd) who in turn use a secure service called MailChimp.
We have an agreement with our marketing partner that reflects this privacy policy. Neither we, our marketing partner, nor MailChimp will pass your details onto any third party, unless requested by legal authorities.

You may change your preferences or unsubscribe at any time.

Access to your information

You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you. If you would like a copy of this information please contact us via any of our contact methods.


We have WiFi cameras looking at public areas including car parks. None of the cameras are pointed at the guest bedrooms, door or windows. We use these cameras for the security of our persons, dogs and property of ourselves and our guests and visitors.
The data is recorded securely online and is only kept for 10 days, unless required for evidence of possible criminal activity.
The only people to have access to this data are the owners. The data can only be accessed via the company computer in a secure office.


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